Public Notice 

Public Notice The North Carolina General Assembly passed house bill HB‐1409 and the bill was signed by Governor Perdue on August 28, 2009 as SL 2009‐532.. This bill exempts certain electrical lighting devices and fixtures and water heater replacement in residences (one & two family dwellings) from building permitting requirements. This bill becomes effective on October 1, 2009. The following items in one or two family dwellings are exempt from building permitting provided the electrical work is performed by a person licensed under G.S. 87‐43 and the plumbing and mechanical work is performed by a person licensed under G.S. 87‐21; Electrical Work •
The replacement or repair of electrical lighting fixtures or devices, such as receptacles and lighting switches (same voltage and same or less amperage). The connection of an existing branch circuit to an existing electric water heater that is being replaced (same location and the same or less capacity and electrical rating as the original water heater). Plumbing Work •
The replacement of a water heater (same capacity, location and energy source). Mechanical Work •
The reconnection of the flue and gas supply to a replacement water heater (same capacity and location). 